Creative • Fast • Easy to work with


Asheville, NC • Email:

Welcome! Having majored in Illustration and Graphic Design, I've been a graphic designer professionally for twenty years now. Creative, versatile, and quick to come up with ideas and implement them, I enjoy a challenge, and derive a lot of satisfaction from successfully giving people what they want.

Below are some examples of my work, organized by client. I've worked on very diverse projects and can incorporate a wide variety of styles. I don't usually charge for consultations and charge $65 an hour for actual design time that I work on a project.

You may choose below which option you would like in order to view samples from my portfolio:

High Bandwidth – Interactive Flash Presentation

Projects organized by project type

For some reason, I'm having trouble in Firefox with some of the navigation of this animation (which works fine in Flash Player on my computer), particularly with links from "Ads" and "Packaging." I am working on fixing this problem.

Dialup Connection – Simple layout

Projects organized by client